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  • All of our design team directors have previous experience in the design of commercial office spaces and studio architecture.

  • We intend to show consideration for the wellbeing of our building’s inhabitants and design innovative, creative environments for the future of office spaces.

  • We have a personal relationship with our clients which has a positive impact on gaining new clients and therefore project work.

  • We have a high level of Technological Understanding through our many experiences in commercial sector, the department is headed by our technology director who has worked with leading software, building information modelling (BIM) and construction techniques.






  • Increasing business confidence will lead to increasing demand in the commercial property sector by 2025. Trends in the sector has created urban-led design, innovation in building management design, and sustainability will increase in prominence. For HJ2K this mean that we gain faster momentum in attracting clientele.

  • As the industry grows, more opportunities for HJ2K design lab to expand and branch out into other leading cities in the UK.

  • With the rise of population by 40% and 70% rise within the urban built environment, this would result in the increasing demand for commercial office space within the context of the city.

  • The government are investing 310 million pounds with the arts council this means that HJ²K Design Lab can collaborate directly with the government on local initiatives.












  • We are a new starting company with no past track record, making it harder to attract new clients and build up client relationships.

  • We are all relatively young and inexperienced at running a practice together.

  • We are limited to financial obligations – this can be a factor of certain constraints

  • We are an emerging company, with limited staff (5 members) initially which could hold us back from taking on larger or more projects as we can only run a limited amount at any one time.












  • We may experience financial difficulties in the initial stages when the company is starting up as during this period, encouraging clients to trust in our practice will prove difficult.

  • The company may face competition from other practices taking on our ethos within our sector.

  • Unforeseeable circumstances such as illnesses, deaths and maternity leave could lead to loss of staff members and therefore increased workload on other design team members.

  • Unpredictable occurrences in the stock market.

  • Changes in RIBA legislations.

  • Changes to government policies on commercial builds and tax increase.










© 2021 by HJ²K Design Lab.


DISCLAIMER: This is a student project based at Nottingham Trent University. All content is part of an undergraduate project to create an imaginary business in 2021, and is entirely fictitious. All use of material from other sources is fully acknowledged, and no part of this site is intended as the basis for a real company or for the offer of any professional services.

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