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Cost of people


Employees will be a large cost to the practice due to the professional nature of staff needed with qualification. Any temporary staff brought in will also have to be considered when calculating fees for projects. A way of reduce cost is to have employees paid on an hourly rate, this would need to have a time record keeping system in order to keep track of the hours and pay only for the time worked.


The business needs to also be aware of the difference between a ‘direct cost’ and a ‘charge out’. A charge out includes allowance for indirect costs, non-fee earning time as time is a cost to the business. For example the time the Marketing Director spends on Marketing cannot be charged to the client’s fees but needs to come from somewhere, this should be included in the overheads as a resource.


The wage is based on a thirty-five hour week and a forty-four week year.

Additional to the wage paid to the employee are overheads that need to be paid to various institutions these have been calculated in to the wage to create a total cost to the business of each employee will and are as follows:


o    National Insurance Cost Category D (10.6%)

o    RIBA Subscription (to be paid every 18 months)

o    ARB Retention Fee (annually)

o    Life insurance (annually)

o    Health insurance (annually)



Full Time Employees

Paid via salaries, full time employees tend to be professional bodies who are long term within the business as retraining of staff with such responsibilities will be a cost to the business. The five directors are included within full time employees.


Part time Employees


Part time employees benefit the company due to their flexible hours allowing for cuts if financial difficulty is experienced. Part time employees will all be paid on an hourly basis creating a need for a clock in service to accurately record hours to equate for pay.  Staff time sheets must be kept weekly and payroll processing carried out monthly.



















A closer look in to the breakdown of the part time employee and when expected to work within the year.






















































Total Employee cost to Business


Here is the total cost that the employees will be to the business which we be used as an overhead and an outgoing from the business incomings.

© 2021 by HJ²K Design Lab.


DISCLAIMER: This is a student project based at Nottingham Trent University. All content is part of an undergraduate project to create an imaginary business in 2021, and is entirely fictitious. All use of material from other sources is fully acknowledged, and no part of this site is intended as the basis for a real company or for the offer of any professional services.

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