Kit graduated from Nottingham Trent University and then the Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow before continuing to fully qualify as an architect. He has worked on various projects across the country and internationally in Hong Kong, Seoul and New York under Samoo Architects & Engineers for working on a diverse range projects ranging from high-end commercial buildings to high tech industrial construction.
Kit headed the Technology department, specializing in working with sustainable construction techniques, as well as using advanced technological solutions. He has won numerous awards for design excellence during his time abroad. After returning to the UK he been working free-lance where he worked as a technologist consultant to many established firms. Since then he has joined with fellow NTU alumni to establish HJ2K Design Lab in Nottingham

© 2021 by HJ²K Design Lab.
DISCLAIMER: This is a student project based at Nottingham Trent University. All content is part of an undergraduate project to create an imaginary business in 2021, and is entirely fictitious. All use of material from other sources is fully acknowledged, and no part of this site is intended as the basis for a real company or for the offer of any professional services.